The Value of Two Seconds PDF
The value of two seconds is about finding ways to get two seconds better each day. It can be as simple as where something is placed at a workstation.
Bsed on a great productivity and production book by Paul Akres, 2 Second Lean, How to Grow People and Build a Lean Culture by Paul Akers.
Lean and Kaizen aren’t as mystical and magical as some people think. It’s about finding better ways to do things, that’s all. According to my Japanese brother-in-law, the word Kaizen basically means to make better. Something we all work on each day.
Labor is such an issue these days. It’s hard to find people, harder to get them to stay and represents a big investment. Figuring out how to do more with less isn’t just a nice idea, It’s vital to surviving and even thriving in today’s environment.
Download this PDF for more!
Thanks, Tim
A PDF version of the blogpost The Value of Two Seconds